Sometimes, the experience of being a woman in the world can only be understood by other women. For those situations, women have increasingly been turning to formalized women’s circles for spiritual connection, kinship, and support.

    Women’s circles are gatherings of women for women. A circle is a space for self-reflection and rest, free of judgement.

    A women’s circle is essentially a safe space where women of all ages can come together to share their life stories, express their emotions, set positive intentions and harness the collective power of a group of like-minded individuals who are attuned to their need for connection and, in some cases, healing.

    They also provide an opportunity to embrace the ‘divine feminine’ – not so much relating to gender as it is, but to an innate pool of wisdom and spiritual energy.

    We meet on the last Thursday of every month.

    "A circle of women may just be

    the most powerful force known to humanity.

    If you have one, embrace it.

    If you need one, seek it.

    If you find one, for the love of all

    that is good and holy, dive in.

    Hold on. Love it up. Get Naked.

    Let them see you. Let them hold you.

    Let your reluctant tears fall.

    Let yourself rise fierce and love gentle.

    You will be changed.

    The very fabric of your being

    will be altered by this, if you allow it.

    Please, please allow it."

    ~ Jeanette LeBlanc


    For most of history, our daily survival depended upon being in right relationship with the natural world. We recognised the spirit in birds and deer, in trees and rocks and rivers—in Mother Earth herself. We honored the sun, stars, and moon.

    This need for connection with the natural world runs deep in our blood, yet we’ve largely forgotten how to nurture this relationship. As a result, we’re collectively becoming more distant and more out of balance with our environment.

    We stay up late, we sleep in late. We are consumed by work and all the doing that we forget to just be. We miss the sunrises and sunsets. We miss the seasons subtle changes. We miss all that this beautiful planet has to offer and our relationship with ourselves and of course, most importantly with Nature.

    Find your wild spirit, deepen your connection with Mother Earth and your own true nature. Let the Earth be your medicine.

    We meet once a month for a group excursion to a beautiful spot in nature. It could be a sunrise walk or a fire at the beach or a climb to the top of a hill. We will spend time mindfully immersing ourselves in our environment as the seasons change. Laura will also lead you in meditation once we reach our destination and we will take time to share and deeply connect.